New Diplomacy in the Age of Corona
The global crisis created by the Coronavirus exacerbates the disruption in the field of diplomacy, increasing the need to address challenges created by this new reality. The Charney Forum for New Diplomacy provides practical skills and tools to navigate the information overload, decentralization of international relations, and extensive use of digital platforms.
As part of our extensive effort to address the disruption caused by COVID-19, we launched a Corona & New Diplomacy interview series, featuring fascinating discussions with the Charney Forum’s prominent thought leaders, speakers, and practitioners, about their initial observations of the Coronavirus implications on globalization, diplomacy, geopolitics, and more.
Multiversity: The Day After COVID-19
Professor Ron Robin, President of the University of Haifa in Israel, discusses with the Charney Forum for New Diplomacy his vision for the university.
Information Overload during COVID-19
Ambassador Ido Aharoni, Chairman of Charney Forum for New Diplomacy discusses the phenomenon of information overload, exacerbated by COVID-19.
Senator Joe Lieberman shares thoughts about COVID-19
Professor Ron Robin, President of the University of Haifa in Israel, discusses with the Charney Forum for New Diplomacy his vision for the university, shares...
A Pandemic in the Post Truth Era
Award-winning journalist, Yael Lavie, discusses her thoughts with the Charney Forum for New Diplomacy about citizen journalism, disinformation, fake news, the need for media ethics and global cooperation.
The Changing Roles of Government and NGOs
Yariv Sultan, Principal Consultant at GlobalCan: Strategic Solutions for Nonprofits, shares his thoughts about the shift of responsibility and trust between the changing nature of philanthropy, and the new world.
COVID 19 and the Future of Work
Nirit Cohen, HR strategist, thought leader, blogger & speaker, shares her thoughts about potential implications of COVID-19 on the future of work.
A Competition Between Geopolitical Orders
Director of the Leon Charney Diplomacy Program at Florida Atlantic University, Professor Jeffrey Morton, discusses potential geopolitical consequences, nationalistic world order, and people-to-people diplomacy.
Middle East Reflections Amid COVID-19
Dr. José Vericat, Carter Center, Field Office Director for Israel and Palestine, and a non-resident advisor at the International Peace Institute, reflects about mutual interest for collaboration in the Middle East, alongside the need for increased citizen conversation.
City Branding & Tourism in the Age of Corona
Dr. Hila Oren, CEO of the Tel Aviv Foundation, defines herself as a city-maker. She shares her thoughts about the impact of COVID-19 on city branding, tourism, and micro-tourism.
Ambassador Dan Shapiro: International Trends Post Covid-19
Ambassador Dan Shapiro, Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the INSS, Former US Ambassador to Israel, discusses potential implications of Covid-19.
Social Activist Discusses Opportunity for Creating Change
Shir Nosatzki, proud social activist, shares her thoughts about the changing role of governments and NGOs, and what she perceives as a greater tolerance and flexibility to handle change.
A Growing Need for Collective Global Collaboration
Professor Michael Williams, Director of the International Relations Program at NYU, discusses global ramifications of COVID-19.
The Role of Universities & Education
Karen Berman, CEO of the American Society of the University of Haifa, discusses potential implications of COVID-19 on philanthropy, fundraising, and importance of collaborations among institutions.
Leadership, Community & Resilience in Times of Crisis
President Emeritus of Yeshiva University, and former President of Hillel International, Professor Richard Joel, discusses the importance of leadership and community in managing crisis.
Annexation, Geopolitics & Leadership
In our final interview of the Corona & New Diplomacy Series, General (Ret.) Eitan Ben-Eliahu shares his thoughts about implications of Israeli annexation, dealing with COVID-19, and the dire need for global leadership.
Implications of COVID-19 on the Medical Field
Dr. Rivka Carmi, Pediatrician & Geneticist, Former President of Ben Gurion University, discusses her thoughts about potential implications of COVID-19 on the medical field.
Making a Better Tomorrow Through Education
The Head of EMIS (Eastern Mediterranean International School), School for Change, Gili Roman, shares his thoughts and vision as an educator, about potential outcomes of COVID-19.
Media, Globalization, Citizen Diplomacy
Dr. David Milch, Physician, Producer and Entrepreneur, discusses echo chambers, simple answers to complicated situations, and citizen diplomacy.
Social Distancing: Challenges & Opportunities
Professor of Psychology at NYU, Yaccov Trope, provides a unique psychological perspective of COVID-19. His research of the effects of psychological distance is timely and relevant.
Track Two Diplomacy & Multilateralism the Day After COVID-19
An expert on security in the Middle East, Track Two Diplomacy, and international affairs, Professor Peter Jones, University of Ottawa, discusses the need for face-to-face interaction in diplomacy.
Turning Hope Into Strategy - Corona Perspectives
On May 13, we hosted an online panel with a few of our exceptional speakers, including Ambassador Dan Shapiro, and award-winning journalist Yael Lavie, for a live in depth conversation about the day after COVID-19.