Expanding the echo chamber, promoting civil discourse,
providing tools to thrive in the information age
Who Are We
The Charney Forum, in collaboration with the University of Haifa, offers workshops, seminars and conferences, with top-notch speakers and experts, presenting diverse perspectives about complex issues. We provide practical skills and tools to navigate the information overload, global collaborations, and the extensive use of digital platforms. Learn more
New Diplomacy
New Diplomacy represents the emergence and participation of non-government actors, who are more involved as co-producers of concepts, content, and outcomes in the international arena. The global crisis created by COVID-19 exacerbates the disruption in the field of diplomacy, increasing the need to address challenges created by this new reality.
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The Charney Legacy
The Charney Forum for New Diplomacy was founded by Tzili Charney, on the tail end of the previous era, to deal with the overload of information, which generates simplified solutions to complex problems. In her initiatives, including the Charney Resolution Center, Charney aspires to promote open, diverse and effective civil discourse, amongst people, and between organizations.
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New Diplomacy in the Age of Corona - click here to watch our interview series